Sunday, April 18, 2010

Trying to get back on track

Gonna start this blog to post my poker adventures, and also to keep track of what i've done so far. I'm down $19000SGD and $4865USD now, i have a long way to go. As of now, my backer has given me a last chance so i will be playing NL200 on a small site. I will be tracking my wins/losses and also posting hands to improve my play. I gotta pull myself together for my girlfriend, poker is the only thing i know how to do, i have dedicated so much time to it. 3 years and still like this, seriously wtf. I duno why my people have so little respect for me, maybe its the things i do.. i duno man, maybe im juz too young to be involved in all this bloodshed. I put in so many hours every week when i book out only to end up losing more and more money, its absurd. Why didnt i juz continue school and now be a naive army boy who enjoys going out, clubbing, playing computer games when i book out? Why must i be this fucking tard who spends 30 hours a week playing poker? Book out on friday night and book in on sunday night, thats only like ~50hours. I think i am up there already, but my backer dosen't feel that way. I know my results are bad.. It has always been like this, even in school. Im good but i juz cant produce results.. this is a major life leak, will think about it this week.

On a brighter note, the BKK girl who's in love with me will be coming to singapore this weekend so i'll probably get an open goal =D but i got guard duty this week, fucked up.

On the other hand, this sat/sun is my gf's birthday, feel bad i can't be with her but given my current condition, i should be more worried about myself. Fuck im not even ready to have a gf. Oh well, i guess this bad part of my life will be over soon..

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