Sunday, July 11, 2010


Okay, booked out yesterday afternoon really stressed, worried about how to pay the 1.2k with my measily 500 pay. I still have USD but baam i chanced and played the mtts, down ~$100+ it was okay, den, internet crashed when i was 10 tabling turbo sngs and deep in a $55 and $26. Came back to see myself blinded out badly and 0 turbo sngs running. That was so bad, $200~ damage, chilled and continue trying out the $10 sngs and BAAM crashed again. Fuck it man this time i tilted everything away. Its okay, i will be back.


From now on i will be focusing on survival, surviving till i O.R.D, no point trying to get big scores, taking stupid shots and stuff. I just want to be debt free by Oct 2011. This is the current goal. And i didnt run bad, i played bad. Ending this weekend with ~$60+ profit from 6 hours at the $10 super turbos. Looks like the $5s are more profitable for now.


I'm kinda feeling tired from all these relationships. They are so far away, and i think i can't accept anything from them. When i need money or anything, i do not go to them. What's the point of having someone who is there for you when you do nothing about it? I sound a bit contradicting. I will just do what i can and let the job show the results.

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