Monday, May 31, 2010

Back from taiwan!

Taiwan was great in a way.. Manage to hustle some money from my noob camp mates in dai dee haha, covered my expenses in a way. Got myself this pair of ownage shoes which costs like 2000NT. The exercise was enriching as i learnt many new things about trunk comms. Talked alot to my PC during this taiwan trip and kinda had things sorted out and highly motivated to come back to singapore and cary out the plan, ALAS things did not turn out so well but okay, i accept what i have for now. After playing abit of hold em, i feel that im not as motivated to play as i used to.. I gave myself a new target to hit, but my backer seems to want me to take things slow, maybe abit too slow but oh well, guess i have to take whatever i have for now.. I sincerely hope he reconsiders and accede to my 1kusd/month request, but i guess i have to perform first. In short, i have a plan all worked out, now juz for the grind.. but the site kinda sucks cuz not much traffic.. dun feel like blogging much now, maybe later.

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